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FALL 2022 NEWSLETTER        11/22/22

This newsletter is also available in .pdf if you have any formatting issues.

Fountain Trace Homeowners Association Directors

Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter


The Fountain Trace Board of Directors for 2022 wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season and hopes this newsletter finds everyone healthy and enjoying the season.

Annual Fountain Trace Homeowners Association Meeting

The annual homeowners association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at Crosspoint Church at 5737 Cemetery Road.  We will open the doors at 6 pm to give homeowners a quick chance to personally meet the Directors and then the meeting will begin at 7pm.  As a reminder, Association dues of $375 (increase approved at 2022 annual meeting) are due in full by 31 Jan 2023.  Dues not paid by that date will incur late fees of $25 each month until they are paid.  This meeting is earlier in the year than previous annual meetings, but the due date for annual dues has not changed.  You can also pay your dues at the meeting.  Also, a Venmo account, @FTHOA, has been set up to enable homeowners to pay via that avenue if they choose.  You will see picture of our front entrance sign.  You must use your bank or Venmo balance.  The HOA will deduct any credit card fees. 


All Street Signs Have Been Replaced

Since we were able to reduce costs from the repairs and improvements to water and electricity usage, we utilized the cost savings to replace the remaining old street signs.  This completes the renovation of the signs for the entire subdivision.

Front Fountain Repair and Renovation

The Front Fountain Committee has received plans and a bid to renovate the front entrance.  It will remove the water feature and provide low maintenance landscaping that coordinates with the other islands within Fountain Trace.  Initially, the Board was going to move ahead with the renovation since we had the funds in the annual budget, but it was noted that the motion approved at the last annual meeting did not approve the renovation.  It only approved the research and planning.  The plans will be presented for approval at the annual meeting on January 10, 2023.

New Mailing Address

We eliminated the HOA PO Box in August due to the inconvenience of having to make a trip to check it when it was almost always empty, coupled with the 20% annualized cost increases in recent years.   This will save us $212/yr.  All of our vendors invoice and pay electronically, and we have mail forwarding for one year so do not expect to lose any communication.  Our new address is:  FTHOA 116 Fountain Trace Dr Bowling Green KY 42103.   We set up Venmo to make/send payments to @FTHOA.  A locked drop box is being worked for the newspaper slot at this address.  Our email address remains the same at

Lot 119 Legal Proceedings

The legal proceedings regarding Lot 119 have been concluded and the Court has ruled in favor of the Homeowners’ Association.  Since the conclusion of the legal proceedings, the Architectural Review Committee has been in a series of constructive meetings with the Lot 119 owners to discuss plans that would modify the addition to an acceptable design.  The ARC has advised us that it believes they are close to final agreement on plans for those modifications.

Lots in Default

We currently have two lots in default of the covenants and are working with legal to place liens on them.  One lot has unpaid dues and the other has an unpaid special assessment from August for lawn maintenance.  It is certainly regrettable that effort is expended on tracking, discussing, phone calls, and letters instead of improving the neighborhood.

2022 Board Accomplishments

The following items have been accomplished over the past year.  We will review these items at the annual meeting and will be happy to go into more details of any items at that time.  We want to keep the Association advised of our work.

  • Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

    • 5 Requests submitted for 2022 and 3 approved.  All request responses occurred within 48 hours.  Since beginning our tracking in early 2021, there has been 10 submittals with 8 approved.

    • 4 meetings held so far with owners of Lot 119 for architectural changes to court ordered changes

    • 1 meeting held with homeowners concerned with Lot 119 architectural plans

  • Regular Board of Directors Meetings as well as Special Meetings to address issues

    • Board met at least every 2 months insuring good communication and follow up on assigned tasks

    • Insured all Directors were informed and involved in each decision and expenditure

    • Regular Association Newsletter posted throughout year keeping Homeowners informed of Board actions.

  • Repairs (Man hours annotated were cost free due to volunteer from Directors and others)

    • Completed finding, digging, and adjusting of a good majority of the 136 sprinkler heads at the pond area. [100 man hours]

    • Completed locating, repair/replacement as needed, and installing curb boxes for each of the 16 underground solenoid zone valves as well as an underground splice and the master solenoid valve. [50 man hours]

    • Completed mapping and documenting the 136 sprinkler heads, 16 zones, key valves, and documentation.  Copy posted to website.  Desire was to provide documentation and continuity for future Association Board of Directors as well as provide a checklist for future contractor to initial that each head is functioning correctly.  We have paid for startup service that was never performed by the contractors.  The last two years startup and shutdown has been done by the Board and we would like to transfer that to contractor in the future.  [50 man hours]

    • Installation of 3 new street signs.  [performed by contractor $5,230.  Total of $16,700 for 12 signs over 3yrs]

    • Pond fountain motor removed for warranty repair. New July 2020.  Sent to vendor for winter repair. [10 man hours]


  • The total cost of parts and supplies for irrigation and small repairs was $1,155

    • Thousands of labor costs were saved due to volunteered man hours

    • Hundreds of dollars of electrical and water cost savings from repairs

  • Expect to finish year $9,000 under budget which will be available for front entrance redesign.   Listed repairs and improvements were completed and able to maintain $50,000 in reserves


If you have any suggestions for neighborhood improvements, especially any cost-saving measures, the Board of Directors welcomes your input.

2022 Board of Directors

Steve Grilli (President)

Kirk Tisdale (Vice President)

Chip Rice (Secretary)

Mark Minotti (Treasurer)

Joe Macrino (Member At Large)

Todd McNeilage (Member At Large)



Architectural Review Committee                             Front Entrance Committee Volunteers

Chris Champion (Chairman)                                                        Steve Grilli (Chairman)

Todd McNeilage                                                                           Christie Bellair

Kirk Tisdale                                                                                  Scott Mayo

                                                                                                     Mike Harney

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