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WINTER 2023 NEWSLETTER         2/28/23

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Fountain Trace Homeowners Association Directors

Winter 2023 Newsletter

The Fountain Trace Board of Directors for 2023 hopes that everyone is doing well.  After some important announcements this newsletter will provide an update to anyone who missed the annual meeting on our direction for the year


Please drive on the right side of the road around the roundabouts!!!

There have been numerous reports of vehicles driving left around the roundabouts in the subdivision almost hitting walkers/runners and vehicles.  THIS IS DANGEROUS.  It is also a traffic violation and according to KRS 189.990(1) incurs 4 points against your license, fines from $20-$100 and $143 court costs.  As a review: at a roundabout a driver should yield to vehicles from the left and drive to the right.  The roundabout at Stillwater and Lakemere has an obstructed view due to trees if you choose to drive on the wrong side of the roundabout. If you choose to disregard traffic regulations, you should expect to be reported.  Please remind all your family and friends of the correct procedures at the roundabouts.

Front exit lane to be closed for island redesign

The exit lane at the front entrance of the subdivision will be closed for the demolition and change to the front entrance island.  Demolition is expected to be 2-3 days and the entrance lane will remain open primarily in case any emergency vehicles need to enter.  This is expected to begin on March 6, 2023, depending on weather.  Please do not exit on the entrance side.  Utilize either the exit out Autumnstone through Drakesborough or out the Hunts Lane exit…adhering to the right side of the road at the roundabouts.

Please be mindful of your barking dogs

We know that dogs will bark, and it is not a bad thing to have one that will bark for intruder deterrence.  However, if you have a dog that tends to bark outside for a sustained amount of time at night between the hours of 11pm to 7am please try to curb the noise.  We have received complaints from your neighbors of the disturbance.  We ask you to be courteous to your neighbors.

Attendance is declining at the Annual Homeowners Meeting

While we had a quorum due to proxies at the meeting, the in-person attendance is trending lower.  If a quorum is not achieved, then the Homeowners cannot elect new officers nor approve the budget for the year.  The Board provides ample notice of the date and time.  Typically, we will try to have it on a Tuesday after the first week of January and we try to avoid any big events (NCAA championships).  If this is an inconvenient time, please let us know of a better time.  It needs to be as early as possible after the new year to allow the opportunity to elect Directors and approve a budget so contractors can be paid. 

The Board works hard to have an organized agenda so the meeting flows smoothly and provides the budget for review prior to the meeting in order to use time wisely. This year’s meeting was adjourned by 8:00pm.  We open the doors at 6:30pm for a "Meet-n-Greet” to allow neighbors to meet each other and speak with any of the Board members. We had good discussion and input from those that attended this year’s meeting.

Annual Fountain Trace Homeowners Association Meeting


The annual meeting of Fountain Trace Homeowners Association, Inc. was held on January 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm at Crosspoint Church.


Impact of 2022 Approved Motions

Special Assessment of $150 for Covenant violations.  


The assessment greatly reduced the letters written to homeowners for violations from 19 in 2021 down to just 5 for 2022. Of those 5, three were corrected in 30 days and only 2 were issued the $150 assessment. In 2021, 17 homeowners chose just to pay the $50 assessment. On the advice and request of legal counsel a motion was made to approve the $150 assessment for violations in 2023.  Secretary Rice made the motion to continue the assessment and was seconded by Todd McNeilage.  


The motion passed by a unanimous vote by the homeowners.


Annual dues increase to $375 that began for 2023.


The Board was able to complete the year over $11,000 under the approved 2022 budget.  This was due to no costs for repairing or planning on changes to the front entrance as budgeted. It was also due to saved labor costs due to volunteer labor from the Directors in the repairs around the pond.  Going forward it is not expected to be able to maintain a reduced budget based on this one time savings.  However, the Directors do not foresee any current need to increase beyond the $375 annual dues and this will be maintained for 2024. 


On the advice and request of legal counsel a motion was made to approve the $375 annual dues going forward.  Secretary Rice made the motion to continue the assessment and was seconded by Kirk Tisdale 


The motion passed by a unanimous vote by the homeowners.



$25 per month late fee for annual dues approved in 2020 


After initiating the $25/month late fee there has been an improvement from only 63% dues paid on time in 2020 up to 89% on time in 2022.

Front Fountain Redesign 

Motion from 2022 Annual Meeting:

At Front Entrance, disable the fountain and make repairs to fallen rocks.  Complete temporary repairs to make front aesthetically pleasing. The initial repair costs will be drawn from the annual repair budget. 


Additionally, form a committee to determine future redesign with planning cost not to exceed $3,000 for preparing the design proposal which will be drawn from the annual repair budget.  The redesign will focus on being water free and optimize traffic flow.  Committee members include Christie Bellair, Scott Mayo, Mike Harney with Steve Grilli as chairman.  Additional volunteers will be welcomed.

The committee determined that a redesign is necessary due to the numerous repairs needed to renovate the island.  A design was presented that is a center island with three trees, many shrubs, and rock.  The existing curbing will be maintained.  The design enables:

-    Low maintenance – no irrigation or mowing
-    Open layout so you can see through it for traffic
-    Controls speed of cars entering subdivision
-    Looks similar to other roundabouts in subdivision

After Homeowners’ discussion it was determined the design is good, but the Board was given discretion for the addition of a lighted flagpole which may result in the removal of one tree.  It would also allow discretion as where to place the flagpole in the island for the best aesthetics.  After this discussion the following motion was made by President Grilli and seconded by Vice President Tisdale:

New Motion for 2023


Implement the front entrance redesign as presented at the 2023 annual meeting with a budget not to exceed $18,000 to be included in the 2023 budget.


The motion passed by a unanimous vote by the homeowners.


Rock around pond to protect liner


A brief review was provided of the improvements made around the pond along with an explanation of the need to add rip rap (rock) around the pond to protect the liner from the sun and complete additional maintenance of the area around the pond. After homeowner discussion the following motion was made by President Grilli and seconded by Vice President Tisdale:


New Motion for 2023


At the pond on Lakemere, perform testing of rip rap rock replacement.  If successful, Board is authorized to proceed with plan to move existing rip rap as well as purchase additional at cost not to exceed $12,000 to be included in 2023 budget.


The motion passed by a unanimous vote by the homeowners.


Snow Removal Service Request


The Board previously received a request by a homeowner for the association to contract snow removal services.  Prior to the annual meeting the Board researched costs and found that it would be on average $37,000/year which would raise annual dues by $300 per homeowner.  President Grilli requested if any homeowners wanted to research costs further either by joining a committee or individually.  No homeowners expressed any interest to research the suggestion further.  The Association will not provide snow removal services for the subdivision.


Welcoming Committee Request


A request was made previously by a homeowner to create a “Welcoming Committee”.  The committee would be separate from the Board of Directors, staffed by volunteers, and possibly receive a small budget for supplies.  The goal would be to:

a.    Provide a welcome package that would include a social directory.
b.    Provide new homeowners names and emails to HOA records.
c.    Be a resource to answer questions.
d.    Explain reasons for Covenant regulations (no fishing at lake)
e.    Provide list of recommended contractors/services
f.    Explain basic operation of HOA.


It was asked if anyone was interested in forming this committee.  Two volunteers, Lucy Grilli and Beth Minotti, volunteered to make calls to try and create support and add volunteers to form the committee.  If you are interested in helping on this committee, please let us know and we will pass your information along.


2022 Board of Directors Accomplishments

A brief overview of the Directors’ accomplishments for 2022 was reviewed.  These included:

7 Board Meetings
5 ARC Meetings reviewing Lot 119 proposals
2 Front Entrance Committee Meetings 
3 Newsletters
Pond Irrigation Improvements

New controller
Location of solenoids and mapping of sprinklers for future reference
Replacement of multiple broken solenoids and sprinkler heads
Mapping of all irrigation zones
Pond Fountain Repair
Eliminated unnecessary PO Box cost
Completed replacement of all street signs

2023 Budget

A quick review was provided of the 2022 Budget and the proposed 2023 Budget.  Copies of the budgets were previously sent to all homeowners to review at their leisure prior to the Annual Meeting.  It was noted that the Board of Directors completed 2022 $11,314 under budget.  This was due to no expenditures that were budgeted for the front entrance, and also due to the volunteer labor of the Directors.  It was discussed in particular that the 2023 budget would draw approximately $7,000 from the reserves in order to accomplish the front entrance redesign as well as accomplish necessary maintenance around the pond by adding rock.

New Motion for 2023 Budget


Approve the 2023 budget as presented


The 2023 Budget was approved by a unanimous vote by the homeowners.



Board of Directors


Current President Steve Grilli reviewed discussions the Directors have held about creating continuity for future Boards.  Documents have been created that provide details and calendars for annual services.  Also, contractor information has been documented.  He also mentioned that it would be good to rotate in new Directors to enable continuity and new ideas.


The floor was opened for volunteers or nominations to serve on the Board for 2023.  The Board, per the by-laws, shall be 3 – 6 members elected annually.  All current Directors agreed to serve for 2023 if no others volunteered or were nominated.  No other homeowners volunteered or were nominated.  With that the current Board of Directors were presented for approval to serve for 2023.


The following Directors were unanimously approved by a vote of the Homeowners:

Steve Grilli
Kirk Tisdale
Chip Rice
Mark Minotti
Joe Macrino
Todd McNeilage


Architectural Review Committee


Discussion was held concerning the Architectural Review Committee.  The current Chairman, Chris Champion, wishes to step down from the Committee.  It was noted that the by-laws do not specify the number required for the Committee.  Typically, the Committee has had 3 members with at least 1 member also on the Board of Directors, but this is not required.  Kirk Tisdale and Todd McNeilage stated they would serve again for 2023 if needed.  Volunteers and nominations were requested.  Two other homeowners volunteered, and a vote of the Association was held.


The following members of the Architectural Review committee were unanimously approved by a vote of the Homeowners:

Ed Whitehead
Dave Upright
Todd McNeilage
Kirk Tisdale


The Architectural Review Committee will meet to determine their chairman.


Lot 119 Legal Proceedings

An update was provided on the completion of legal proceedings with Lot 119 and that an acceptable proposal for construction and construction corrections is expected to be forthcoming soon from Lot 119.  Multiple meetings concerning the construction amendments/removals have been held between the ARC and the owners of Lot 119.

Homeowner Questions and Comments

The floor was opened for homeowner questions and comments.  The only comment made was concern over dogs that bark late at night.  The Covenants do not specifically address this issue, unless it is an aggressive dog. It is best to speak with one’s neighbors first about any issue prior to raising it to the Board.

If you have any suggestions for neighborhood improvements, especially any cost-saving measures, the Board of Directors welcomes your input.

2023 Board of Directors

Steve Grilli (President)

Kirk Tisdale (Vice President)

Chip Rice (Secretary)

Mark Minotti (Treasurer)

Joe Macrino (Member At Large)

Todd McNeilage (Member At Large)


2023 Architectural Review Committee

Ed Whitehead

Dave Upright

Todd McNeilage

Kirk Tisdale

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