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SPRING 2024 NEWSLETTER         4/30/2024

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Fountain Trace Homeowners Association Directors

Spring 2024 Newsletter

The Fountain Trace Board of Directors for 2024 hopes that everyone is doing well.  After some important announcements this newsletter will provide an update to anyone who missed the annual meeting on our direction for the year.


Pond Sinkhole Repair

In mid-February a significant sized sinkhole developed at the southern end of the pond.  Water was draining into the hole and below the liner.  Sandbags were positioned to reduce/dam the water loss and a temporary fence was placed to keep persons from getting too close. The Board contacted the county engineers as well as several contracting companies to get their expertise regarding repair options. All mentioned that every pond in the area and throughout Kentucky may develop a leak due to sinkholes…it is just a matter of when and how extreme. Potential pond issues have been discussed before at the annual meetings and Directors’ meetings.

Darron Wheat, one of our homeowners, volunteered his construction company to initiate a fix to the sinkhole. He generously charged only for the cost of labor and not for the use of the equipment. The Board set an initial cost limit of $5000 to attempt to find the source of the sinkhole and affect repairs since this was within the approved 2024 budget for repairs. Work began in March. The “throat” of the sinkhole was found, and rock, lining, and dirt were used to plug and fill. Grass was planted over the work area and repair of the irrigation system is ongoing. We hope the repair is permanent, but could prove to be temporary. Issues could develop months or years from now.

The pond was drained approximately two feet to complete repairs. It was decided to maintain the water at this level, below where the water was leaking. This reduced level exposes some of the liner. Additional rock will be brought in to protect the exposed lining.

The information received from county engineers and contractors concerning sinkholes and ponds has led the Board to begin researching possibilities for repair, draining, and re-landscaping the pond area in case another significant leak occurs. While we do not plan to make any changes unless needed, we will present options at the next annual meeting for discussion.

Front Entrance Fence Repair

Work has been completed repairing and painting the front entrance fencing as approved at the annual meeting.

Pond Well Pump Repaired

The well pump used to fill the pond has been repaired. It is expected that this motor should last longer because of the lower water level that will be maintained.

Roundabout Weeds

It was noticed that the roundabouts are covered in weeds. This has been addressed with the landscaping contractor. The contractor did not think the HOA was paying for this service, and he realized his error. The Board is very particular to ensure the HOA receives the work it contracts for and will continue to monitor the situation and research other contractor competitors.

Homeowner Lot Maintenance

As a reminder, all lots must be maintained in accordance with the covenants. This means grass should be cut, landscaping should not become overgrown or saturated with weeds, and trash and yard refuse should not accumulate. We do receive complaints from neighbors, and we address these instances. We prefer everyone to keep the lots maintained without the Board having to send out notices, assessments, or contractors to correct issues. Any costs incurred to correct these issues will be assessed to the Homeowner and potentially become a lien on their property.

Longtime Board Member Mark Minotti Moving

Fountain Trace Homeowners are losing invaluable members of the neighborhood. HOA Treasurer Mark Minotti and his wife Beth are moving to Alabama where he has received a promotion. The Board of Directors will especially miss Mark’s exceptional service. Over the years he became the default point of contact for all communications into and out of the Subdivision. Please be patient with the Directors as we attempt to take over the numerous tasks that he handled for the neighborhood.

Annual Fountain Trace Homeowners Association Meeting

The annual meeting of Fountain Trace Homeowners Association, Inc. was held on February 13, 2024, at 7:00 pm at Crosspoint Church. An informal meet and greet began at 6:30 pm.  Notice of the meeting was initially given on December 29, 2023. It was subsequently rescheduled for February 13, 2024. and notice was provided on January 26 to all Homeowners.

1. A review was provided of the rates of Covenants non-compliance and late annual assessments (FTHOA dues). Since implementing the $150 non-compliant assessment and the $25 per month late fee for annual assessments, covenant violations and late annual assessments have been significantly reduced. Therefore, the non-compliance assessment will remain at $150, annual assessments will remain $375, and late annual assessment fees will remain $25 per month.  No homeowners objected to the continuation of these amounts.


2. The improvements approved at the previous annual Homeowners meeting were reviewed. First, was a redesign of the front entrance that was approved at the last annual meeting with a budget of $18,000. The redesign was completed under budget with a cost of $14,615.


3. Secondly, a budget of $10,000 was previously approved at the 2023 annual meeting to repair or add rock around the pond to protect the liner. Kirk Tisdale moved the old rock down from the ground surrounding the pond onto the liner. This negated the need to bring in additional rock and allowed only sod to be placed around the pond reducing the cost to significantly under budget at $2817. These savings enabled $9000 to be added to the FTHOA reserves.


4. An overview of expected repairs for 2024 were presented. These included:


a. Repair/replacement of pond well motor.

b. Repair of front entrance fence.

c. Repair of damaged stop sign.


5. Volunteer opportunities were presented. Kari Carr volunteered to be the point of contact for a Welcoming Committee. Richard Patterson and Tony Harris will be responsible for the front entrance flag protocol. Other volunteer opportunities that went unfilled included Christmas decorations, Sprinkler system management, and well pump management.


6. President Grilli discussed mailbox theft that occurred and reiterated that any crimes should be reported immediately to law enforcement. This enables them to determine a pattern and find the offenders.


7. It was discussed about the need to curb your pets when walking them.


8. A quick review of plans for amendments to Cemetery road was provided. Details from the County’s website were provided.


9. The budget for 2024 was presented. It incorporated planned repair costs. No homeowners had any questions or requests for changes. A motion to approve the budget was made by President Grilli and seconded by Homeowner Ed Whitehead.


The budget for 2024 was unanimously approved by the homeowners.

10. The floor was opened for volunteers or nominations to serve on the Board for 2024.  The Board, per the by-laws, shall be 3 – 6 members elected annually.  Two of the current directors were stepping down from board consideration. Four current Directors agreed to serve for 2024 if elected.  One other homeowner volunteered to serve as a director if elected.  Five homeowners were presented to serve on the Board of Directors for approval to serve for 2024.


The following Directors were unanimously approved:


Steve Grilli

Kirk Tisdale

Chip Rice

Joe Macrino

Chris Champion


11. Discussion was held about the Architectural Review Committee.  It was noted that the by-laws do not specify the number required for the Committee.  Typically, the Committee has had 3 members with at least 1 member also on the Board of Directors, but this is not required.  Todd McNeilage requested not to be considered to serve for 2024.  Volunteers and nominations were requested.  No other volunteers or nominations were received, and three homeowners were presented for approval.


The following members of the Architectural Review committee were unanimously approved:


Ed Whitehead

Dave Upright

Kirk Tisdale


          The Architectural Review Committee will meet to determine their chairman.

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